Social Thrive

AdvertisingThings to know about Adwords: Round 2
Google Adwords

Things to know about Adwords: Round 2

In the discussion of Google Adwords and Paid Search, we still have so much more to talk about!

Creative: This is advertising just in case you were confused! AND Google doesn’t give you a lot of characters or space to work with, so you HAVE to be creative.  You have to give people a reason to click on your ad! Think as creatively as you can to what would draw those clicks: it could be free shipping, a gift with purchase, or drop that you are a small or local business. These little tactics will result in higher click through rates. Although Paid Search is a numbers game, this is still Marketing! Another video to help you along the way thanks to Google.

Conversions:  The best feeling is to know that you are paying for a click and YOU can see it and track it. You can find out what word attracted the visitor and what they bought. If you want to calculate your return, install the conversion tracking pixel.  What is more important to you: the traffic or the sales? Reminiscent of what we said in Round 1, data helps you make decisions!

Broad Match: If you do not know what this is, Google has two options for keyword targeting; these would be: Broad Match and Exact Match. Broad match allows Google to match your query to things that are similar to your keyword.  If you company is selling something very niche, then your ads will then we displayed to a more broad audience. So, they may be similar, but in what sense? and is there enough of a distinction to change your audience to less qualified leads?  The only thing that would make you think Broad Match is better is because you will be getting more impressions and although that looks great, and more clicks will look great, but your conversion rate will be low. The reason you have Paid Search having the brunt of your Marketing Budget is because it is highly target and efficient, don’t forget that! If you are going to use Broad Match, it is then unnecessary to add plural or misspelled versions of a given keyword as duplicate entries.

As Google Adwords evolves, I’m sure we will have a round 3 help list for you within a few months! Until next time, godspeed on your campaigns!