How to Perfect Your Media Pitch
If you’re in the public relations field, then chances are you’ve had to do a media pitch. Since reporters e-mail inbox is full of media pitches you want yours to stand out. Here are a few ways to make sure your story gets noticed:
Keep it short and sweet. Journalist and editors are constantly getting a new media pitch in their inbox. Chances are they won’t read your pitch if it’s too lengthy.
Get personal. If you have met this person then remind them. If they know you well then ask them a pertinent question (How is your wife Jane? Is your son enjoying soccer?). Briefly bring up previous and relevant work they have done.
Don’t send out a mass pitch. Make sure each media pitch is unique to the individual. Also, a personal touch makes a difference.
Be appreciative. In order to build a relationship with these people show your appreciation of their time. YOU NEED THEM!
Be persuasive. In addition to building a relationship, you want your story covered. Be clear and know your story. Give them something they can’t say no to.
Hook ’em! Grab their attention with an interesting hook or curiosity arousing line.
First paragraph. In 3 to 4 sentences get to the point. Tell them the what and why. This is where you explain the benefit of this person covering this story.
Second paragraph. Here’s your chance to give background information on the organization you’re representing and their coverage worthy event or product.
End with a call to action. You are responsible for following up with them. Instead of asking them to “let you know,” tell them when you will get in touch with them. In the meantime, provide them with all materials and links they may need if they are interested.
The real key to perfecting your pitch is to practice. By following these guidelines you can ensure your media pitches are checking all the necessary boxes. Always know your story and stand behind it. Happy pitching!