The Newest Snapchat Hacks You Can’t Do Without!
In late 2015, Hootsuite declared social video to be the top trend of 2016. This trend has only continued to grow, with the other networks, platforms like Facebook and Instagram having recently introduced real-time stories to their portfolio of products. Nevertheless, Snapchat continues to be the platform of choice for sharing real-time stories. We’re here to share some of the best classic and brand-new Snapchat #hacks. Read on to learn more!
1. Simultaneous filters –
You’re able to up to add up to three filters simultaneously. Once you’ve applied a color filter, hold down with one finger and swipe to add up to two more. For example, you can apply the black-and-white color filter, a location filter, and a time filter all at once.
2. Geo-filters –
Creating your own customized geo-filter for personal or business use is super easy! Head to the Geo-filters section on the Snapchat website to create a geo-filter from a series of templates or download the template toolkit to design your own filter using your favorite design program (we suggest Canva for those with little experience). Remember the 2017 social profile image dimensions, a Snapchat geo-filter’s dimensions are 1080 x 1920! Visit Snapchat’s Submission Guidelines or the blog below to learn more.
3. Group chat –
Anyone can create a group Snapchat the same way you’d create a private message. A group snap can include up to sixteen users and messages remain available for twenty-four hours. However, messages will immediately disappear for any user that leaves the group!
4. Stickers –
Use your own photos to create customized stickers! Snap a photo and then tap on the scissors tool in the upper right-hand corner (just above the time feature) to cut an image and create a sticker. Then share your Snap as you normally would.
5. Snapcode –
Create a customized website Snapcode of a website by heading to: Settings > Snapcodes > Create Snapcode. Once you’ve created a code, share it with friends through the app.
6. Custom Stories –
Snapchat recently announced a new Custom Story feature. A group of friends can individually upload Stories to create a unique group story. Users can invite friends from anywhere in the world to participate and Snapchat will create a 1-block geofence so that nearby users can participate as well.
Any hacks we’re missing? Let us know and share them in the comments!
• Mashable Snapstory
• Snapchat