Top 6 Instagram Marketing Trends to Know About in 2022
Instagram Marketing is not easy and 2022 was slated to be a year of Instagram changes that to vastly transform the user experience. From improvements and increased quantity of suggested content to the return of the chronological feed-view, changes are in store – oh how we’ve missed it.
Here is a list of the top 6 upcoming Instagram trends:
1. Chronological Content Feeds
Based on how things have gone in the past, we’re guessing that Instagram will soon be incorporating a feature that allows for alternating between chronological and suggested feed-views.
Chronological feed-view means that there will now be a controllable option to have content delivered to you based on the order in which posts were uploaded.
2. Merge Video Formats
Instagram has been, for a few months now, experimenting with different ways of incorporating the various video formats offered (IG Stories, LIVE, Reels) into feeds. In 2022, it’s on the horizon that the platform will develop a more streamlined and unified approach to curating the different video formats.
This has already been seen through Instagram’s tests of vertical Instagram Story feeds, allowing viewers to simply scroll in an up/downward motion to move between accounts’ Stories. It seems we may soon be getting a single feed that compiles Lives & Videos, Reels, and Stories.
3. Creator-led Commerce
2022 will also be a time in which the shopping experience on Instagram grows to a new level, with the rolling out of their native creator affiliate program, which will offer substantial compensation incentives for influencers in a range of sizes to sell products on behalf of brands. The program operates on a commission-based model, where Instagram has removed the need for multi-tiered agreements and paperwork between influencers and brands, making the marketing process within the platform easier for anyone to participate in.
Along with this, Instagram will be rolling out “Creator Shops”, offering a new space where creators and influencers can highlight products from brands they love, earning commissions from sales they inspire.
4. Brand Personalities
Social media was once considered the frontier of social interaction in the digital age, before platforms like Instagram transformed into semi-solely the central space for sharing aesthetically-pleasing images. In 2022, Instagram is going back to their roots in yet another regard, placing intense focus on conversation & community.
For Influencers and Creators, this means that the time for bringing your authentic personality to your brand presentation on Instagram is soon upon us. The platform will be launching a couple of features that encourage dialogue and interaction between creators and viewers.
5. Video Memes
Taking the viral success of Memes to a higher level, Instagram is doing away with the static-bounds of pre-2022 Memes, and creating functions within the app that allow users to create dynamic Meme content, making for much more engaging content. This will allow for Meme jokes to go deeper and for more storytelling via the format.
Prioritizing short-form video content is another way in which Instagram is pushing ahead in the market. It also allows marketers to push ahead in creating engaging content for their viewers.
6. Community Engagement Features
We’re seeing Instagram invest energy in developing more engagement-driven content functionality. From emojis to interactive Story stickers meant to drive conversation, Instagram wants users to engage with one another, and with content, on a higher level and in a more positive manner.
2022 will see Instagram incorporating the Questions Sticker feature into Reel Chats, allowing users to interact with Reels, a continually growing sector within the platform, at a higher rate.
Moral of the story: Instagram has always been more than a photo-sharing platform. In 2022, though, they are truly putting their coding where their mouth is, and building out the platform to serve a multiplicity of audiences and purposes. It’s not too late for you to get up on these trends, so you can maximize your use of the platform to reach your audience!