Social Thrive

Blog2022’s Top 7 Hashtag Tools for Instagram

2022’s Top 7 Hashtag Tools for Instagram

Many trends come and go, especially in the age of digital interactions. For social media, these trends are almost countless, and vary in their impact for users/on viewers/for viewers. Some seem to be more of a fad than a relevant shift in the tide of the market. However, certain tools have proven to be trends that extend far beyond their inception, even across platforms and mediums in some cases. Hashtags are among the features that have served distinct purpose amidst the ever-changing world of online interactions, creation and consumption.

Hashtags continue to be a leading factor for new people to discover you through Instagram. Influencers and business owners both focus on growth of an engaging audience on the platform. This can lead to more exposure, partnerships, clicks and sales. Hashtags provide significant assistance in getting your content far and wide, and specifically to the viewers interested in the content you’re creating – gaining you likes, comments and saves from new audiences. 

Figuring out which hashtags will work best with your intentions and creations is a real journey – one that, when pursued, can provide your business with deeper trend and market insights. To help, we’re providing you with a list of the top 7 hashtag tools that can lead you to a deeper level of content engagement in 2022 (& beyond!).

2022’s Top 7 Hashtag Tracking Tools for Instagram:
  1. Later
    • Type in your go-to hashtags, and Later provides a list of relevant hashtags that can expand your reach even further
      • Price: Free, for basic account
  2. All-Hashtag
    • All-Hashtag’s generator provides you with the top 30 and more hashtags based off of one keyword selection
      • Price: Free
  3. HashtagforLikes
    • Hashtag performance tracking. Also allows you to create hashtag sets able to be quickly accessed
      • Price: $19/wk
  4. Kicksta Hashtag Generator
    • Choose exactly which type of hashtags you want. “Top” option allows you to see the most popular Instagram hashtags related to your search. ”Random” option gives you unique and creative hashtags that you’ve never thought of.
      • Price: Free
  5. Ritetag
    • Saveable hashtag sets. Hashtags for multiple platforms, beyond IG. 
      • Price: Part of RiteKit suite, $54/month after Free Trial
  6. Sistrix
    • Hashtag generation and pool expansion tool, along with other IG growth and analytics tools
      • Price: FREE hashtag generator tool
  7. Photerloo
    • Suggested Photo Keywords and Suggested Instagram Hashtags
      • Price: FREE hashtag generator tool

Each of these tools has a different approach and overall purpose, though all leading to the same end goal. Take a look at the different tools, explore their free trials, and determine which of these works best for you.

If you have another tool recommendation, let us know!