Get to Know Your Marketing Team: Social Thrive
In a world of ever evolving technology that ensures brands are constantly popping up on your screen, we feel it’s important now, more than ever, to get personal. We wanted to share a bit about our company and who we are at Social Thrive. First, allow us to introduce ourselves as a company and marketing team:
Social Thrive was founded in 2012 and remains a comprehensive online marketing team and agency. We are powered by innovation, analytics, and creativity topped off with a personal touch. We pride ourselves on our expert knowledge in premium B2B and B2C online marketing. While we love projects of any scale, building brand new, high-profile projects from the ground up is our favorite.
Now that we’ve briefly gone over what drives Social Thrive, it’s most important to introduce who we are as a team. Our talented team is a family and the backbone of our business.
What better way to get to know us than chatting with someone that knows our business inside and out?
We sat down with one of our experienced Advertising Executives, Samantha, and she explained what we are all about:
Samantha: I think what sets us apart is that unlike other social agencies, we thrive on personal relationships with our clients. From monthly to quarterly in-person meetings, to working with sales and development teams directly to ensure efficiency and consistency across all marketing initiatives. Our core team is also multi-faceted in all things digital marketing. From the head account managers to writers to myself (advertising), we all are in-the-know on all points of each account we work on. The account manager is always on-page with my advertising initiatives, as I’m aware of the ongoing content and branding strategies. It’s a very cooperative and proactive environment here.
What is most important to you when building out a marketing campaign for a business?
Samantha: The most important thing to me is ROI, both in the short and long term. This might not be the case across the board of marketing professionals directly, but as an Advertising Executive, and someone whose job is basically to spend your money for you, this matters the most to prove my value. I need to be able to show that I am worth more than I cost and remain profitable in the future.
What is your favorite thing about working directly with clients?
Samantha: I’m a person who loves to continuously learn new things. When we ventured into the luxury real estate world, it was exciting to learn directly from industry experts, including some of the biggest names in Boston Real Estate. Those connections also allowed me to remain innovative and ahead of the curve with my advertising techniques. It’s also extremely gratifying for me to see first-hand how excited my clients become when I present new market findings, strategy ideas, and tell them that their KPI’s are up. Having a one-on-one relationship with a client is very rewarding and has been a constant reassurance to me that I’m doing my job right and well.
How does Social Thrive stay up to date on marketing trends and best practices?
Samantha: Because social & digital media is constantly evolving, it is our sole job to stay ahead of the curve digitally. This means researching best practices and upcoming updates or news pertaining to each of our client’s specific industries, as well as maintaining the highest level of digital strategy. As the Advertising Executive, and working with a team of social media professionals, we are in an ever-changing climate. As soon as we see a better or more effective way of doing anything we’re responsible for, we act quickly.
How do you ensure client success?
Samantha: I make sure to establish a transparent relationship with my clients from the very beginning. I am honest, as I expect them to be with me – communication is truly the foundation of my success. So when something isn’t working the way the client or myself wouldn’t like it to, I aim to have an open and collaborative conversation to work our ways through it. I ensure my client’s success not only from my numbers, but from the clients themselves.
Describe the community at Social Thrive and how it positively impacts clients.
Samantha: Because Social Thrive is such a collaborative team, there’s always someone that our clients can turn to at any given time. When we execute our on boardings or hold in-person meetings, we normally have everyone on their account attend, from the writer to the CEO, to give an extra layer or reassurance that everyone is here for the client and their success.
Now that you know a bit more about us, who we are, and what we offer, we’d love to get to know you. Contact us today, we’d love to chat!